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Someone was offended by the content of a subreddit, and what they did next will amaze you.

He blocked it. Didn't read it anymore. Stayed away. Declined to strew troll chum. Seems like a sensible response to internet outrage, no? Find something else to do, and let people stick Roman candles down their pants if they wish.

Or, complain until someone is banned or their haunts are shuttered. New management at Reddit has been closing its murkier, nastier alleys, perhaps to appeal to people who don't go there, and wouldn't go except to complain and make them change what they're doing. Inquistir:

Breitbart London, from which the shocking example of the Reddit user to declined to read offensive posts was taken, notes how many are rooting for Reddit to tumble::

Yes, let's say nothing of Gawker Media. The article notes that Reddit removed a cartoon criticizing its new boss, which makes one suspect management has the worst possible combination: hands-on / thin-skinned. This was viewed as "harassment."

Here's the problem for Reddit, as Brietbart London puts it: "the rapid mobilisation of its large constituency of anti-censorship users. If the membership surges on Voat and the anti-censorship subreddits can be converted into an organised boycott movement, it may cause Reddit's status as the 'front page of the Internet/ to quickly become a passing memory." Yes. is overwhelmed today, but let's not mistake a surge in PR and traffic as the Death of Reddit. This has happened before. There are alternatives, but they don't have the user base, and that's key. But, he said, steepling his fingers and declining to take a position, time will tell.

ARCHITORTURE I shouldn't like this, because it does all sorts of things that seem annoying about modern architecture. It misbehaves just for effect, sticking parts of itself out to look different and daring. It's a series of boxes stacked up on other boxes. But I . . . I don't mind.

In fact, I like it better than 1 World Center.

(Image by BIG.)

Besides, if Paul Goldberger is okay with it, who am I to argue.

Here's the pitch.