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Roasted radishes may be one of my favorite spring treats. The bite of raw radishes gives way to a sweet, earthy flavor once they've spent some time in the oven. An omelet might seem like an odd pairing for these radishes, but I love the roasted radish flavor alongside eggs and herbs.

When I was in college and trying to eat healthier after my freshman year of bingeing on all the things the cafeteria had to offer, I turned to eating egg-white omelets most mornings. The same guy would always be at the omelet station (he was pretty legendary) and I studied his technique, every day.

I have this intense studying to thank for my ability to make omelets with ease. With proper equipment — namely an 8-inch nonstick skillet and sturdy spatula, along with a good-sized pat of butter — an omelet comes together fairly quick and can be filled with so many good things.

For this omelet in particular, I recommend making or finding fresh ricotta. Also, I prefer the mellow flavor of the French breakfast radish, but I've found roasting some of the other, more common varieties works as well.