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20, student

What are you wearing? A black fedora and cutoffs from my sister, vest from Goodwill, shoes from Target.

Describe your style: Funky but oh-so fresh! I try to find things no one else is wearing, with a love for all things '80s and '90s.

Best music video of all time: "Smooth Criminal." Really anything by Michael.

Has indie hip-hop fashion evolved from backpacks and hoodies? It's more track jacket than hoodie and more messenger bag than backpack. As if André 3000 shopped at Ragstock.


22, loan document specialist

What are you wearing? Black DIY harem pants, high-tops from Zara, T-shirt from Urban Outfitters, denim shirt from H&M.

Describe your style: Always on yet slightly off. Inspiration from Italian designers combined with a bit of '90s goth.

Best music video of all time: Rihanna, "We Found Love."

Has indie hip-hop fashion evolved from backpacks and hoodies? There was a bit of refinement that happened around 2007 that rid us of baggy everything.


21, student

What are you wearing? Dress from Charlotte Russe, sweater from Savers, boots from ReThreads in Milwaukee.

Describe your style: Softened indie punk-rock.

Best music video of all time: Michael Jackson's "Thriller."

Has indie hip-hop fashion evolved from backpacks and hoodies? Yes, definitely. Today, hip-hop pushes fashion to the extreme.


23, entertainment team lead at Mall of America

What are you wearing? T-shirt was a gift; Blue Spice jean shorts, Danskin fishnets, boots from Heartbreaker, custom-made Premium beer cap earrings.

Describe your style: Punk rock meets hip-hop meets retro.

Best music video of all time: "Around the World," Daft Punk. I have definitely used some of those moves on the dance floor.

Has indie hip-hop fashion evolved? For sure. Now it's more about pulling from other genres and decades to make your style unique.