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Are you tired of experiencing the opening day walleye fishing doldrums often caused by not having a good plan? Is 2009 the year you finally vow to change your luck on the lake? In most cases, avoiding some simple, yet important behavior often made by anglers can vastly improve the mood in your boat.

Remember that fishing, like any other sport, requires a good game plan to be successful. You don't become a player on a championship football team without some basic skills and a carefully thought out strategy to implement those talents. Likewise, if you head to the lake expecting things will automatically happen, well my friend, you are quite possibly in for a disappointing time.

Consider avoiding these missteps when formulating your angling game plan this weekend:

  • Getting on the water too late. Take advantage of the pre-dawn bite and avoid the congestion at the public landing. Start your day early.
  • Failing to study your lake map. By interpreting the lake's structure you should have a minimum of 10 pre-determined fishing spots on the lake worth trying. Befuddled by what the lake map should be telling you? Now is the time to ask someone for their opinion rather than stressing about it come Saturday.
  • Don't fish based entirely on what happened last year. It's an age-old problem for anglers that can lead to disappointment. Conditions and circumstances are different from year to year so the angler who is not prepared to adapt can needlessly waste precious time.
  • Assuming all lakes will fish the same. A big part of what makes walleye fishing fun is the technique that works in one lake may not work exactly the same in the next lake. Approach each lake with a unique plan of action.
  • Joining a large group of boats. It's human nature we all want to be where the action is. Problem is, unless you actually witness boats regularly landing fish, a large gathering of boats might better indicate where the walleye action once was perhaps an hour ago. This is particularly true in shallow water where a large gathering of anglers can easily spook fish from the area.
  • Don't become lazy. Be willing to change up your technique often until you find the right combination that appeals to the fish. This could mean your favorite way of walleye fishing may not be best suited for how the walleye are willing to bite on a particular day.
  • Disregarding the weather conditions. Springtime weather in Minnesota can be highly variable. The water surface can be glass-smooth at dawn and later turn into rolling whitecaps by lunchtime. Your strategy must also adapt as the conditions fluctuate.
  • Limiting your fishing to certain depths. Sure, it's commonly understood that opening day walleye will generally tend to bite in shallower depths, but if they aren't…go deeper. Depending on the lake and the fishing pressure, hungry fish can often be found at depths outside the expected range.
  • Staying on only one lake. Indeed, it can be a big hassle, but when all else fails trailer your boat and check out a different lake. Sometimes this can prove to be the best strategy for the day.

So, now it's your turn. What information are you willing to share with fellow anglers to increase their odds for success on opening weekend? Please leave your helpful comments below.