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Musician Zac Brown has issued an apology, amid reports that he was involved in a drug bust in Florida last week — and that police scrubbed his name from their report on the incident.

In the apology, Brown said that he was "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"My dad always said nothing good ever happens when you stay out late. It's a lesson I learned the hard way last week, being in the wrong place at the wrong time," Brown wrote. "I attended a private gathering at a Miami-area hotel and had only been there for a short time when police officers arrived and arrested two people in the room who had just showed up a few minutes before."

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Brown went on to maintain that he was not familiar with the culprits, nor was he aware that they had illegal drugs on them.

"I did not know these people and had no idea that there were drugs in their possession. I cooperated fully with the authorities and am not part of any ongoing police investigation," Brown wrote on his band's Facebook page on Friday. "Everyone is responsible for their actions, and I regret using poor judgment and putting myself in that position."

He concluded, "I am focused on continuing to make great music for my fans, and on representing my family and community well with our philanthropic work … And next time I'll make sure to remember what my dad taught me."

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According to TMZ, Brown was in a hotel room in Palm Beach, Florida, in the early house of the morning last week when a police raid went down, netting four arrests for cocaine and marijuana. The site also reported that the party was also attended by three strippers, one of whom had half a dozen condoms in her possession.

As if all of that wasn't scandalous for one event, TMZ went on to report, police omitted Brown's name from their incident report at the singer's request, even though his name was listed on another police document related to the incident.

According to the site, Brown was only found with prescription medication on him, which he had a prescription for.