James Lileks
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Generic giveaway

What it says: "I have 27 more like it in the closet, most from conferences I attended for work and can't remember anything about. They form my Strategic Bag Reserve, and might come in useful someday. Yes, I also save, iron and fold tissue paper from gifts I receive; why do you ask?"


What it says: "I feel a sense of deep, peaceful satisfaction when my bags match the cart."

Trader Joe's

What it says: "The car I had when I was younger had 16 bumper stickers on the back." They have a wide variety of designs, one of which has Minnesota iconography like Paul Bunyan's big boot and the state seal. You can buy bags from other regions, as well, but that makes you feel like you're carrying a suitcase with decals from countries you never visited.

Lunds & Byerlys

What it says: "You're probably thinking my house was in a magazine, aren't you? Yes, but just the kitchen." It's a minimalist bag. No trace of the classic Lunds paper bag's language lesson, which had "Thank you!" in various tongues; just the elegant company logo on classic grocer-apron green.

Read more on James Lilek's thoughts on Minneapolis' plastic bag ban and the pros and cons of reusable bags.