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Jon Marthaler bakes up a batch of delicious links just for you. Other times, you can find him here and here. Jon?


This week, Grantland launched, which Rand covered in some detail last night. This requires an official Weekend Links Policy Decision: I will not be linking to Grantland articles. Don't get me wrong, the site is really, really good - so good that I'd do nothing but post links to Grantland, if I included them. The site goes into the same category as Joe Posnanski and Steve Rushin - required reading. Here's their RSS feed, here's their Twitter feed; follow them.

On with the links:

*I really enjoyed Robert Lipsyte's memoir excerpt about his encounters with Bob Costas. I find Costas to be kind of a fascinating character - he's obviously a wonderful and likeable character, only he has kind of Mike Lupica streak in him that sometimes seems to respond to any slight, no matter how small, with bomb-throwing.

*Parker Hageman often studies the Twins videos and is able to explain, with examples, of why a certain Twins player is struggling. This week, he's examined Danny Valencia, and we've reached a first - Parker has no idea what's going wrong. This is almost more exciting than usual!

*The other Twins links for this week: John Bonnes talks a little about Run Expectancy, which is always good; Hageman looks at Delmon Young, and this time, has some answers; and Alexi Casilla's sudden hot streak is studied, to see if it can actually keep going.

That'll do it for me; now please, enjoy your Saturday, despite there being no Stanley Cup or NBA Finals game tonight, for some stupid reason. Someone should schedule these things better.