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This is the first and hopefully only time I will have to bring you footage of a brawl at a charity cornhole tournament, but I can't make any promises.

This is the world we live in, apparently: Where a nice little gathering put together by the Douglas County (Ga.) Chamber of Commerce, featuring a cornhole tournament (or "bags," if you prefer, though I'm not sure which is the worse name for a fun activity) designed to raise money for student scholarships, turned into a screaming, cargo shorts melee.

And yes, apparently the fight started because there was a disagreement over the score of one of the games.

You can't make it up. But.


The one redeeming quality is the voice of reason: A woman who isn't visible on the video but takes control over the public address system and lets these guys have it. "Stop it right now! We will stop this tournament. This is stupid! This is absolutely ridiculous! Git! Get out of here. … We are adults and this is ridiculous!"

I can't stop watching it, so here's the video, which I started at the 12 second mark because of swearing in the early part: