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Show your workhorse appliances a little TLC, and they may stick around a bit longer. Replacing a refrigerator or oven range can take a bite out of your budget, as can buying a new washer or dryer. To make sure your appliances stand the test of time and continue to perform, follow these pointers:

Keep your fridge and freezer clean: In general, appliances operate best when spick-and-span. Keep condenser coils clean, says Bud Eader, manager at Bettar Appliance in Kensington, Md. Do so by using a condenser coil brush. To clean the freezer, unplug it, remove all food, wipe it down with a baking-soda solution, use water to rinse it, then dry the freezer with a towel before plugging it back in.

Defrost your freezer: If you have a manual defrost freezer, plan to defrost it at least once every year, before frost gets to about a half-inch thick. Use a plastic or wooden scrape — no knives or other sharp instruments — to remove the frost layer.

Scrub your oven and range, too: Clean inside your oven often and never let food debris stick around on burners. Don't spray cleaning fluid directly on control panels, which could cause them to short circuit. Instead, apply a little onto a rag to clean that surface.

Don't foil your oven: Experts agree that you shouldn't use aluminum foil under the baking element.

Replace filters: Whether it's a charcoal filter in an oven, a filter in some dishwashers or refrigerators or the one in your furnace, follow manufacturer guidelines to clean and/or replace them as directed.

Don't use dish soap in the dishwasher: This can hamper the machine's performance by creating gunky buildup. Use only dish detergent. And scrape off plates. Food debris can clog dishwasher pumps.

Don't overload your clothes washing machine: Doing so adds strain on the motor, tub bearings and other parts, besides not getting your clothes clean if water and detergent can't swish between them. "You shorten the life of the machine," Eader says. If your machine is banging around under the weight of all of your laundry, you've gone overboard.

Improve your dryer's circulation: Failing to clean the lint screen regularly or allowing your dryer vent to become clogged will force your dryer to work overtime (read: retire sooner) and can present a serious fire hazard. Plan to have your dryer's exhaust system cleaned annually.

Watch where you apply stain removers: Spraying it on top of washers or dryers can corrode painted or plastic parts.

Michael Schroeder is a reporter at