Al Sicherman
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Pudding on the ritz? In mentioning last week that Jell-O now has two dark-chocolate flavors of refrigerated sugar-free pudding, Mr. Tidbit was speaking in the context of dark chocolate. Let us now switch to the context of pudding, so he can mention that Jell-O has introduced three kinds of refrigerated sugar-free rice pudding (original, cinnamon and crème brûlée).

And in that context, he should mention that pudding-maker Kozy Shack, which has among its offerings regular and no-sugar-added refrigerated rice pudding, now has 22-ounce tubs of "chocolate covered strawberries pudding." It's made with sugar, and it's a "limited edition." (Mr. Tidbit has no idea when the last copy of chocolate covered strawberries pudding will roll off the presses.)

In a slightly different context, but Mr. Tidbit has no idea what the difference is, in addition to Kozy Shack's no-sugar-added rice and tapioca puddings there are also several fruit-on-the-bottom no-sugar-added items like Cherries Jubilee, with pieces of black cherries. But the label on those doesn't say pudding; it says "naturally flavored dairy dessert." The first ingredient is milk, but that's also true of the Kozy Shack items marked "pudding."

Aye, there's the rubs If you haven't checked the supermarket spice rack recently, you might be surprised to see that McCormick has added five rubs to its line of Grill Mates seasonings. They are rubs for steak, chicken, pork, seafood and chipotle-cinnamon. That last one might be for some other category of grillable, or maybe for all of them.

That's acai you hear Over in the juice aisle, where pomegranate is so last year, you can tell how far things have gone when a mainstream brand such as Campbell's V8 -- well, OK, V8 Fusion -- features "acai mixed berry." (Acai, pronounced as-SIGH-ee, is said to have the highest antioxidant score of any edible berry, as well as lots of omegas and other stuff. Pay attention.)