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I looked at the calendar this morning and was just astounded to see that the date was April 17. April 17! By my count, this means I have a mere sixteen days left in the country that I've come to call my home over the past year. I have finally learned which direction I need to look for cars before crossing the street, how to pronounce Luimnigh (Limerick in Irish), what the proper rules for drinking a Guinness are, which candy bars are AMAZING and which ones are disgusting with raisins, that black pudding isn't actually pudding, and how to understand the thick Irish accents that are theoretically speaking English but sound like another language. And now it's time to leave?

As I prepare to pack up my things and return to the land of dollar bills and large portions, all I want to do is appreciate every single moment of every single day without forgetting for one second how lucky I am to be here. I love this country, but even more I love the people and the experiences I have had both in Ireland and throughout Europe. This might be difficult, as it's already rained about six times today and I am not going to miss that, but I'm doing my best! Seriously, though, I will be heartbroken to leave Ireland and the University of Limerick though I know I will return one day. And there you have it, since this is starting to sound like a pitch for study abroad…

I'm not gone yet, however! Next week I'll take my final trip to Alicante, Spain so make sure to look out for posts both on Alicante and some Ireland travel tips coming your way.

Here are a few of my favorite shots from my last Irish days, including times in Dublin, at the Cliffs of Moher, and the Clare Glens.