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So we have agreed to field a "Team RandBall" in some sort of an exhibition portion of Saturday's "CuervoGames." What is that, exactly? Well, it was described to us thusly:

The CuervoGames is a FREE event for adults 21+ that will feature a Cuervo-themed American Gladiators-style competition with food, music and more.

Got it? It's in downtown Minneapolis outside on First Avenue, and the part we're doing is around 2 p.m.. And we need a team of four people. Right now, we only have three -- yours truly, Mrs. RandBall and MC Creme Fraiche. What we need now is one more person who wants to step up and represent the team -- and, hopefully, others who want to come down and watch us make a fool of ourselves. Don't think that will happen? Thinking about stepping up? Here's the video of the competitions involved:

So yeah, if you are interested in attending or participating, let it be known via e-mail or the comments. If there are multiple strong contenders, perhaps we can put this to a vote. We're in it to win it. Apparently we're (hopefully) competing against another local blogger team. And yes, all of this is absolutely serious.