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Each week commenter Stu tracks down a former Minnesota sports figure to see what they are up to now. Usually, we know who this person is. This week, we do not. Stu? ----------

The Huntdown

Name: Greg Manusky Claim to Fame, Minnesota: a linebacker and special teams ace for the Vikings from 1991-1993. Perhaps more importantly, had a fan club at McRudy's Pub in St. Cloud (with t-shirts, banners, mugs, the whole shebang), wherein they would chant his name on every kickoff as follows: "MA-NOOOOO-SKEE, MA-NOOOOO-SKEE, MA-NOOOOO-SKEEEEEEE DAMMIT!" I think there was a bass drum involved, but it's been awhile. When Manusky left the team, the fan club adopted Mike Morris as their object of affection. Claim to Fame, Everywhere Else: was a standout special teamer for Kansas City from 1994 until his retirement in 1999. Went into coaching soon thereafter, and became the defensive coordinator in San Francisco in 2007. Is a product of THE Colgate University. Where He Is Now: the defensive coordinator for your San Diego Chargers. Is He On Twitter: no. Glorious Randomness #1: Morris once brought a dozen or so Vikings to St. Cloud to meet with his fan club for a Monday Night Football game during the team's bye week. Things I can remember from that: Brad Johnson is really tall; Moe Williams was friendly; Ed McDaniel was funny; [name redacted #1] was behind the bar all night practicing the "one for me, one for you" method of bartending; and [name redacted #2] extended an offer to one of my female friends to accompany him on road trips, if you catch my general drift. Glorious Randomness #2: the members of the Broken Lizard comedy troupe met at Colgate University. Meow.