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There are some ideas that are just so bad that 99 percent of people in the world immediately should know it. In an odds-defying display, however, the exact wrong 1 percent apparently work for Kings Island, an amusement park in Ohio that put together a haunted Halloween display that was truly and unfathomably awful.

From The FanHouse's Clay Travis:

Nothing says Halloween like the fake skeleton of an NFL quarterback murdered by his mistress. At least that was the initial opinion of King's Island Amusement Park -- because, as part of their Halloween Haunt show, a skeleton depicting Steve McNair wearing a No. 9 jersey and holding a Titans helmet with the top blown off was on display, an apparent reference to the two bullet wounds McNair suffered on the night he died. As if that weren't enough, a skeleton depiction of Sahel Kazemi, McNair's 20-year old mistress who Nashville police have said murdered the football star in the early morning hours of July 4, 2009, lies across the McNair skeleton's lap, wearing a piece of slinky red lingerie.

The details emerged during a sneak preview offered to a local TV station. Sufficient outrage followed, which brought about the taking down of the display before the event officially opens Friday. So at least there's that.

No word on whether the likes of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcet and Heath Ledger will still be in play. They will not be if any sense of taste or common sense prevails.