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Another ancient image from the 1960 Survey Project, to whet your appetite for this summer's big then-and-now project. First, a tiny picture that may not help you at all.

The shot hails from an era when the neighborhood was down on its heels - grimy bars, old signs, sagging buildings, general urban weariness. Here's the detail that should give it away:

Wildest Traders! The neon sign was animated - the cowboy lassoed the steer over and over again, all night long, reminding you of the natural link between Old West cattle-wranglers and appliance-related retail sales. Always wanted to see someone drag a washing machine out of the store with a rope, but never happened. The sign fell dark years before the store disappeared, but it was saved and moved to a bar nearby.

Yes, it's Seven Corners on the West Bank. Much better now, eh? I'd prefer they kept the Chevy clock sign, but you can't have everything.

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