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Whenever we DVR a Twins game, we have a habit of watching it in kind of a weird way. Yesterday was one of those days. With the World Cup final on at the same time, we DVRed both games and watched bits of one, then bits of the other, fast-forwarding suitable spots to keep pace with each while not missing any of the real action. (We should note that we caught up to the soccer game in "real time" by extra time and penalty kicks. We should also say that we watched most of the match again at night, with a couple of friends who -- even by 9 p.m. -- had managed to completely avoid hearing about the outcome). But none of this is the weird thing of which we initially wrote. The weird thing we do with Twins games is we like to pause the action just as key pitches are arriving at home plate. We then try to guess based on the timing of the swing, the angle of the ball, etc., what is about to happen.

Often, it's hard to tell. What looks like solid contact is often a foul ball, and vice-versa. But if a guy is chasing a slider, you can sure see that. Anyway: Weird, right? Why would someone speed through parts of the game, only to artificially slow down other parts? But that's what we do.

In any event, we did the pause on the 3-2 pitch to Jim Thome in yesterday's game. We're not going to say we knew for sure that something good was going to happen, but we had a stronger feeling than usual. Upon returning to live action, the suspicious were of course confirmed. Thome blasted a moon shot an estimated 490 feet.

The long windup was a fancy way of having a bit of morning fun. Complete this sentence in the comments:

Jim Thome's home run went so far ...

Here, we'll do the first one: ... that even Delmon Young had to be impressed.