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It's 15 degrees. That's cold. It could be colder. It will be colder. But it seems too soon for this much cold - especially if you haven't put up the lights yet. I've done half of the work needed, with two time-intensive tree-wrappings to go. I could have done it when it was warm, like those people up the block who revealed their glorious displays on Thanksgiving. Wise! Thinking ahead! How I hate them.

CELEBS The self-immolation of vulgar fools took a break for Thanksgiving weekend, but continues apace: Chris Brown has deleted his Twitter account over rude reactions to something someone said on the internet. As the Sun puts it:

There's actualy something rather heartening about this: British newspaper sites still don't feel right spelling out all the cuss words. Matter of time, of course. Yesterday at Urban Outfitters, I was surprised by the amount of merchandise bearing the F word. Edgy! The store has now become Spencer Gifts for hipsters.

Speaking of celebrities, there was one who knew how to live the role with grace and gratitude: Larry Hagman. He had a quirk, according to Mark Evanier's recollection:

How he managed to negotiate a huge fee and a production deal by whistling is recounted in the full post, which is worth a read. (h/t Daring Fireball.)

Too bad that Pink Lady clip isn't on YouTube. Yet. Give it a while. There is some Pink Lady, though.

Can't imagine why that didn't catch on with Middle America in 1980.

Speaking of the Internet: Oh, for heaven's sake.

"Set to be the new planking" may be the most terrifying thing you'll read all week. But remember, it's not as bad as owling. Remember owling? People would perch on things and someone would take their picture and put it up. Ta-da. Trend. Makes you wonder what people did before the internet; how did they spread the news of non-existent hyped fads?

Life magazine, of course.

That's from a November 23rd 1959 story about "hunkering," a new college fad. It bears a resemblance to owling, no?

(BTW: Dick Lankford is no longer with us, but he said goodbye before he left.)

Anyway, here it is. To complete the idiot factor: shot in portrait mode!

As long as we're dealing with the state of the internet this morning, here's what everyone's been waiting for: an interview with Scumbag Steve.

If the Internet was like Hollywood, he would be dating the Ermagerd girl about now. And, being Scumbag Steve, would have cheated on her:

Not so scummy after all, perhaps.