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Casting calls now going out for monotonal good-looking actresses who look good while drenched in fake sweat, draped over vehicles, and pretending to be in love with Shia La Beouf: Megan Fox will not be appearing in "Transformers 3: Incoherence," or whatever it's called:

It doesn't matter; they could cast the mortal remains of Bea Arthur in the role and it would still make a billion dollars, because people come for the awesome robots who are from another planet but still turn into modern automobiles and talk like Huggy Bear from "Starsky and Hutch." In other words, the brutal realism and social relevance.

What does this mean for Megan Fox's career? Let's just say Hugh Hefner's making some calls today. Hit this link for the full story - her letter, Bay's AWESOME and classy response - make that ultra-classy - and the letter from a crew that says they'd rather work with feral spider-monkeys than Fox.