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If your digital marketing efforts have been an afterthought or even non-existent, make 2015 the year to jump ahead of your competition. Re-energize your Facebook page. Revamp your website for mobile users. Make a plan to cover more digital ground this year. It's easier than you think and we can help.

If you're looking to increase your web presence, expand your customer base and drive higher revenue this year, it's time to dive in to the digital marketing pool with Star Tribune Radius. Radius from Star Tribune is your source for full-service digital marketing services and strategies. We have exactly what you need to leap the digital divide. Best of all, your Radius sales rep will not only analyze your opportunities, they will explain your options in plain English so you fully understand the power and possibilities of your digital marketing plan.

What can you do with Star Tribune Radius?

Expand Your Customer Base - Attract new customers using SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) & Facebook advertising and more.

Increase Web Visibility - Help customers find and access your site, especially on mobile devices. Our team can make it happen.

Promote Your Business - Drive incremental revenue through SEO, SMM, SEM and variety of products tailored to meet your specific business needs.

Focus On Your Target Market - Implement email marketing campaigns and digital retargeting strategies that deliver the right offers to your desired audiences, and provides analytics to keep your programs on track throughout the year.

To make the digital leap and jump ahead of your competition, contact: Kelly Palmersheim, 612.288.8429