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I confess to a deep abiding fascination with this story, because the idea of a court trial that contains the concepts of Kid Rock, Waffle House, and a 3 AM fistfight is just too perfect. All of these elements were made for each other. Yesterday we learned that the judge wanted to know about Rock's earlier fistfight with Tommy Lee, which Rock chalked up to "bad blood" over mutual amour Pamela Anderson. Pam Anderson? Bad blood? Yeah, you're going to get that. Now we have the entire majestic glory of the newswires and photo distribution systems to give us a picture of Kid Rock describing how he picked up a chair:

It's like you're almost there! More details:

Ah, who do you believe? I believe the plantiff, frankly. Why? Because he's suing for $6,000, that's why. Not $60,000. Not $600,000. Six thousand dollars. He's got to be telling the truth! Well . . . then there's this.

We may have a verdict today. Stay tuned.