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WASHINGTON, D.C. – (AP) – Miniskirts and cold weather lead to just one thing, the Federal Housing Administration says: fat legs. Chilly knees would not seem to be in FHA's normal jurisdiction but the federal agency has an employe health division that worries about all those government girls. "The legs of young women respond quite rapidly to exposure to cold temperatures," a health division memo says. "The bodily response is a quick buildup of successive lay[er]s of fatty molecules under the skin areas of the thighs, knees, calves and ankles of female legs." And once a leg that's left out in the cold gets that chubby look it can be made trim again only by "extraordinary exercises that most women find difficult to maintain," the bulletin says.

Figure skater Peggy Fleming, who won gold at the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France, managed to keep her legs trim despite years of exposure to the chill of ice arenas around the world.