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How some Twin Cities districts plan to make up school days lost to subzero weather:

The Minneapolis School District has added Feb. 14 and March 28 as class days, and more makeup days may be announced later in the year. The February date had been scheduled for parent-teacher conferences. The Friday, March 28, date was to have been the first day of spring break. Minneapolis students still have the following week off for spring break.

Eden Prairie schools have added Presidents' Day (Feb. 17).

Edina schools will have classes Feb. 18 and March 7, which had been staff days. There also will be a full day of class on Feb. 5, which had been planned as a late-start day.

Farmington schools, which provide either an iPad or iPod for each student, will make up at least one day with a "digital learning day." Teachers will create a day's worth of online learning that students can complete. Superintendent Jay Haugen said students were already logging on and completing lessons on the cold weather days this week. "We had as much traffic on our school learning management system as we did on any regular day," he said.

Hopkins schools are adding Feb. 17-18 and eliminating all late-start days for the rest of the school year. Secondary students not previously scheduled will now have school Feb. 27 and May 8 with an early release for conferences.

Lakeville has added Presidents' Day (Feb. 17) and March 28.

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan schools have added two days for elementary and middle-school students on Feb. 13 and March 14 and two for high-schoolers on Feb. 14 and March 14. The district has shuffled conferences and staff development.

Spring Lake Park schools will have makeup days on Feb. 6 and 7, which had been designated for conferences and staff professional development.

Centennial schools are considering adding two days and adding 15 minutes to the school day for the rest of the year. Superintendent Brian Dietz said he has spoken with teachers, principals and parents and will present a recommendation to the school board on Monday.