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Regular checkups and screenings at the appropriate age can help men prevent equipment deterioration and malfunction. Here's a guide to what should be done when:

Physical: Every three years from age 18-39; every two years from ages 40-49; annually from age 50.

Blood pressure: Annually.

Tuberculosis skin test: Every five years until age 49; annually thereafter.

Blood tests and urinalysis: Every three years ages 18-39; every two years ages 40-49; annually thereafter.

Electrocardiogram: At age 30; every four years ages 40-49; every three years ages 50 and older.

Tetanus booster: Every 10 years.

Rectal exam: Annually.

Prostate exam: Annually starting at 45 if you're African-American or have a father or brother known to have had prostate cancer before age 65; otherwise, annually starting at age 50.

Skin health: Monthly mole self-exam starting at age 20, then see a doctor every three years until age 39; see a doctor annually thereafter.

Bone health: Screening at age 60.

Dental health: One to two dental exams annually.

Hearing test: Every 10 years ages 18-49; every three years thereafter.

Eye exam: When experiencing problems or visual changes from ages 18-39; every two to four years ages 40-64; every one to two years thereafter.

Colon and rectal exams: Starting at age 50.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm: One-time screening for men who have smoked.

Sources: Men's Health Network, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Cancer Society, U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, American Speech-Language- Hearing Association