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I am convinced that "trust" is the most important five-letter word in business — not "sales" or "money." Trust can be fragile, especially in the workplace. Once it's broken, few companies, managers or employees ever win it back.

At every level of every organization, workers need to understand the importance of keeping their word and living up to the organization's values. Customers and co-workers want to know they can depend on management. Trust between managers and employees is crucial to the enthusiasm, loyalty and productivity of the company.

If you have ever been on the receiving end of a broken promise, you understand all too well why trust is central to a working relationship.

And although I preach this message constantly, I'm always surprised at the people and companies that just don't get it.

Your "trust fund" grows in many ways. To develop trust in your work relationships, make these "deposits" every day:

• Tell the truth. Never assume people "can't handle the truth." Be as honest with your employees as you expect them to be with you. If you get caught in a lie, your employees won't trust you.

• Share information. By demonstrating that you are willing to keep employees informed, you help them make good decisions on their own. And it builds their confidence while increasing their willingness to actively participate in the growth of the organization.

• Speak one-on-one with employees. There's no better way to build a relationship of trust than through personal face-to-face contact.

• Resolve conflicts quickly. Whether a dispute is between two employees or two departments, promptly resolving the situation will prevent its escalation and minimize disruption of productivity. Better yet, allow the disputing parties to find a solution.

• Avoid showing favoritism. Equal treatment must be practiced to promote trust, teamwork and respect.

• Don't guess when you don't know an answer. When you make a mistake, admit it and start fixing it.

• Show flexibility in your decisionmaking. Make exceptions to the rules when common sense dictates it. And consider alternatives for problems that can't be resolved by typical methods.

• Put other people's interests before yours. Focus on what's best for your organization and people, not just on what will benefit you and your career. When employees see your good intentions, they'll often make heroic efforts on your part.

A remarkable example of trust exists in the deep blue sea, in an arrangement between the shark and the pilot fish. Sharks, as we know, will eat almost any ocean dweller — except for the pilot fish. In fact, they invite pilot fish to join them for — not as — lunch. The smaller fish act as an automatic toothpick and eat the leftover food between the sharks' mighty teeth.

In this unlikely partnership, the shark gets clean teeth and the pilot fish get nourishment. Both swim away satisfied, trusting that the next encounter will be just as successful.

Mackay's Moral: For any successful working relationship, trust is a must.

Harvey Mackay is a Minneapolis businessman. Contact him at 612-378-6202 or e-mail