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I really like TV. Many of my younger, creative co-workers and several of my friends are shocked when I tell them how much I like TV. I wish I could reassure them that I only watch the smartest shows, or those that offer some redeeming educational value. But I'm also guilty of taking in my fair share of lowbrow shows.

However, a television is not the most attractive feature of a home's interior. The introduction of the flat screen has added a level of complexity. Where do I put it on the wall and how do I hide all the nasty cords?

We decided to mount a flat screen on the wall in our upstairs family room presenting the challenge of hiding cords, and moving both the coaxial lines and the electrical outlets up on the wall. I considered other options, such as creating a floating wall out of walnut plywood that would hide all the distracting cords or building a series of simple floating boxes on the wall to hide my components and at the same time serve as design elements to hold pieces of art and sculpture.

Paris Renfroe, a reader of my blog, sent me pictures of his custom furniture work. I found some interesting treatments for flat-screen TVs and home entertainment centers. It was enlightening to see how another design person had solved the same problem in similar ways, offering me more food for thought.

To learn more about Jason Hammond's new house and to see photos and previous blog posts, go to Or e-mail him at