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Personally, money talk doesn't rank high on my "favorites" list of things to do. I honestly can't remember if I took Microeconomics or Macroeconomics in college (and I'm not that far removed), and for a while I thought a Roth IRA was exclusive to my parents' neighbors also named Roth.

But I like to feign financial savvy to impress women. More importantly, at non-profit conservation organizations such as Pheasants Forever, the mission isn't to make money, but the mission doesn't happen without it. Specifically, a Pheasants Forever land acquisition, a Delta Waterfowl wetland restoration, or a Ducks Unlimited youth event does not happen without the financial contributions of people just like you.

Which brings me to my questions:
1) As the year draws to a close, do you make an annual year-end tax-deductible donation to organizations such as Pheasants Forever?
2) January into next spring will be prime fundraising time for local Pheasants Forever chapters and a host of other conservation organizations. If you are attending a PF or like event, are you planning to spend more or less than you have in the past?

Answers in the Comments area below. Happy Holidays!