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For the first time ever, that exclamation will resound around the lollylob pines at Augusta National Golf Club with the voice of a female member. Earlier this week, the longtime "old boys" stronghold welcomed into its ranks two women: former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and financier Darla Moore.

While the move produced some shock waves -- imagine Planned Parenthood naming Cardinal Timothy Dolan to its board, or the Tea Party recruiting Hillary Clinton -- it's likely that Rice will fall right in and be just "one of the boys." That loaded phrase has nothing to do with her gender; it's just the way Augusta National treats all its members.

At a members' meeting in the early 1960s, former President Dwight Eisenhower stood and made a motion to cut down a tree on the 17th hole that had become a magnet for his tee shots. Clifford Roberts, the autocrat who reigned over the club for decades, bellowed "Mr. President, Sit down! You are out of order!" and adjourned the meeting.

The tree became known as "the Eisenhower pine" and still looms along the 17th fairway.

Still, Condi could have some fun with the poobahs-that-be if that were her nature. We suggest she form foursomes with these fellow females:

The "It's About Time" Team: Gloria Steinem, Sandra Day O'Connor and Martha Burk.

The Fellow Stanford Alums: Sigourney Weaver, Kerri Strug and Rachel Maddow.

The Oh-No-You-Didn't Bring Her Here Brigade: Roseanne Barr, Kim Kardashian and Snooki.

The Fellow Trailblazers: Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou and Susan Rice.

The Once and Future Secretaries: Barbara Walters (started as an office secretary), Hillary Clinton and Christina Hendricks.

Bill Ward • 612-673-7643