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Commenter Clarence Swamptown will delight you with tales of QB controversies and outstate bars. As usual, the opinions here on third base coaching strategies do not necessarily reflect those of RandBall or the Star Tribune. Here we go. Clarence?


Well, it appears that Mr. Randball got his wish. Sage Rosenfels is gone and Joe Webb is now your third-string quarterback. In all seriousness, it's not that big of a deal. Mr. Rand is correct, the Minnesota Vikings have much bigger concerns than their backup quarterback situation. They have some rather large concerns, like their seemingly porous offensive line. When a defensive lineman blows past "Saloon Door" McKinnie and disembowels Brett Favre on national television, I will not say anything. I will remain quiet when Tarvaris Jackson strains his MCL while simultaneously throwing a 107 mph fastball at Naufahu Tahi's ankles. I will not say a word when Joe Webb is forced to start a playoff game in January. I will simply trust in Brad Childress' ability to develop quarterbacks, and ride the Joe Webb wave to Dallas. Super Bowl homeboy. *Country & Western Song of the Week: As long as we're living in a world of make believe, I remember when I watched last year's NFC title game whilst romancing groupies as a bassist on tour with Metallica. We were on a long and lonesome highway east of Omaha, when my reaction to Brett Favre's overtime interception retroactively inspired Lars and James to write their 1989 magnum opus One, and produce the corresponding music video.1 Then I lit a cigarette, slammed a shot of Jack, and dropped the opening bassline to Orion. *Context-Free Diagram of the Week:

*Outstate Bar of the Week: Mick's Office, Warren, Minnesota (~30 minutes northeast of Grand Forks): What is the bar famous for? Mick's has these fried potato thingies that are absolutely incredible. I don't get up there often enough, so I forget what they are called, but just ask for the "fried potato thingies" and they'll know what you're talking about. Order them with ranch and/or seasoned sour cream. Can I watch the game there? Absolutely. They have a television in each corner of the bar. Can I watch the NASCAR race there? Of course. Do they have a website? No. Are they on Twitter? Nope. Anything else I should know? Warren has an awesome 9-hole golf course northeast of town, just past the Lutheran cemetery and next door to the Marshall County Fairgrounds. As expected, the course is very flat with relatively few trees. It's perfect for a hack like me. I have never seen anyone actually working there, but they've got an open box full of golf cart keys and a slot where you put your money. You're on the honor system. This is one of the many reasons why I love outstate Minnesota. 1 Yes, I know what actually inspired the lyrics and music video. I watched the video repeatedly as an impressionable teenager and it helped turn me into the giant wuss I am today. Both Michael Rand and noted Randball Commenter Brandon are correct, Fall is by far the best of the four seasons. Fall signifies the return of football, hockey, hunting, and playoff baseball. It's glorious. As Jon Marthaler and Spencer Hall's favorite French Algerian novelist Camus once said, "Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower." I will go on record as stating that, despite the half-joking Vikings and Twins pessimism shown above, I believe the Vikings will turn last year's leaf into a Super Bowl flower. I believe the Twins' will make it to the World Series. I believe the Gophers' hockey team will have a better season than last year, because it cannot get much worse. And I believe that I will finally get a few {redacted} hours of {redacted} peace and quiet each day, because the kids are back in school. Fall is {redacted} awesome. Your thoughts on Sage, TJack, Joe Webb, awesome bass players, third base coaches, solid outstate bars, and the best season are welcome in the comments below.