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The latest in men's tie trends has nothing to do with a tie at all. "No longer a requirement for the power elite," the Wall Street Journal said.

"Wearing one feels like playing dress-up," bemoaned a writer for Esquire.

GQ magazine intentionally forgot the necktie when it styled actor Steven Yeun ("The Walking Dead") for a spring style shoot. And so should you, they say.

Instead of debating Windsor or double cross, guys have the style world's permission to swap their neckwear altogether — in favor of something a little more buttoned up.

The "air tie" evokes a retro, dressed-up vibe sans tie and has been popular with fashion forces such as LeBron James, Joe Jonas and Dwyane Wade. The best part is in its simplicity: Simply toss aside your tie collection and button your shirt all the way to the top.