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It's nearly St. Patrick's Day, but so far my house gives no hints of it. While I have a sliver of Irish heritage, it's apparently not enough to make me deck the halls with four-leaf clovers. And Easter season prompts me to break out the hot cross bun recipe, but it's been years since I've dyed eggs.

I know people whose homes are rotating odes to the holidays, complete with Easter egg trees and Fourth of July bunting, building to a Halloween spectacle worthy of Martha Stewart. The seasonal splendor ranges the gamut from a tad tacky to major art form. While I can appreciate the effort and artistry that goes into some lavish displays, for some reason I haven't joined in. The ideas look great in magazines -- those eggs dyed with onion skins look gorgeous -- but so far I've expended all my holiday decor energies -- and available storage space -- in one big surge at Christmas.

It wouldn't necessarily take a shopping expedition to give a nod to the upcoming holiday: Gather some of your green holiday ornaments in a glass bowl, group green glass bottles on the mantel, or tie green ribbon around canning jar votives.

Maybe I'll buy some bells of Ireland or other green flowers to mark Saturday's holiday, and scrounge some green ribbon to dress up the vase. At least it's one form of holiday decor I don't have to find a storage home for.

How many holidays do you decorate for? And what's your storage solution for seasonal decor items? What are some of your quick decor fixes?