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Why do men and women in the workplace cover their "neck dimples"?

What does it mean when you're pitching an idea and your listener makes a "tongue show"?

How does a gesture traced back to a lizard's "high stand" find its way into the boardroom?

The answers are not in office memos or phone messages, but bodies. And psychologists, ethologists and executive consultants say that body language in the business world often speaks louder than words.

A classic 1971 study by UCLA psychologist Albert Mehrabian showed that less than 10 percent of what audience members remembered from a speaker was verbal. About a third of the impact came from tone of voice. The rest, more than half the recall, involved body language -- gestures, facial expressions, posture, movements.

It's communication that starts from the moment you meet someone, executive coach Carol Kinsey Goman says. People decide whether you're likable, credible and trustworthy within seconds. That's why the consultant from Berkeley, Calif., suggests adjusting your demeanor in advance.

Say you're at a conference and turn around to introduce yourself to someone. Do it with a smile, eye contact, a body that leans slightly in toward the other person (which shows interest) and an "eyebrow flash," the slightly raised eyebrows that are a universal sign of recognition.

The right kind of eye contact is important. Imagine a triangle with the base at the listener's eyes and the peak in the middle of the forehead. That's the "business gaze" zone where you should be concentrating, Goman says.

Now imagine an upside-down triangle with the base at the listener's eyes and the apex at the mouth. That's a social, flirtatious zone, more suitable to the happy-hour mixer than the office.

"If you want to be taken seriously, you need to raise your gaze and get the look of business," Goman says.

Goman warns women to avoid the head tilt, a primitive signal that conveys a person is listening, but can be a sign of submission at work.

"The head tilt is going to look coy. It's going to look cute. But it's not going to look powerful," she says.

But don't be stiff, for heaven's sake.

Fey Parrill, an associate professor in the department of cognitive science at Case Western Reserve University, says business majors are told to keep their hands still during interviews or important meetings, perhaps holding a pen under the desk.

That could backfire, she says. Gestures help people think, for one thing. People told to freeze their movements trip over their speech and have more trouble remembering things. And they look less animated, with flatter intonation.

Gestures that indicate passivity or nervousness are self-touching movements called "self-adapters." Examples include keeping your arms folded over your body, fiddling with your fingers, adjusting your glasses and smoothing hair.

Some research suggests that women use more self-adapters than men. Being aware of this might help women to remember confidence body signals, Parrill says, such as sitting forward, making eye contact and keeping voice and body animated.

Like, dislike registers in a flash

David Givens, who founded the Center for Nonverbal Studies in Spokane, Wash., says humans definitely register like, dislike or neutrality in a flash. But he says first impressions are not necessarily sustained, especially because first meetings are often stressed -- we may give a quick handshake and look away.

Givens says "businesslike" behavior is best in the office, an unnatural setting for a creature that not so long ago roamed open savannas in small family groups.

When you sit in a confined space for eight hours a day with co-workers, you really have to suck in your personality and wear clothes that are not too eye-catching because a 40-hour week of flamboyance would be too intrusive on others, he says.

Givens, whose expertise makes him in demand as a consultant for companies such as Pfizer, Dell and Wendy's, says that body language in the workplace, including attire, can deliver lots of information that you won't get from words alone.

Take the neck dimple, the visible hollow at the front of the neck below the Adam's apple. It is a fleshy, frail part of the body that was exposed when human ancestors went upright and lost their fur, he says.

Businessmen cover it with buttoned-up collars and ties, women with chokers and scarves, to suggest formality, strength and reserve, as if to say "Step back." Givens explains all this in his online dictionary,

That tongue show, by the way, is not a good sign if you're trying out a new idea.

If your listener protrudes the tip of the tongue through closed lips, take heed. Humans are like other primates in which this expression has been studied. It's always a negative. Think misunderstanding. Uncertainty. Disagreement.

And that lizard pushup that herpetologists call a high-stand? It's a display that lifts the front of the body off the ground to show dominance or aggression.

Scientists say its vestige in Homo sapiens is the palm-down, extended hand. Reptilian brain parts that remain in the human brain (the motor center of the basal ganglia) cause us to automatically pronate our hands when we feel strongly about something, Givens says.