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Looking through an early 60s LOOK magazine - the Hunt's Catsup to Life's Heinz - I came across an ad for men's hair dye. The copy said that grey hair made you look old, and not so virile, and not as ripe for Success as dark hair. Here's the picture they used.

Is that who I think it is? Because silver hair didn't exactly sink his career.

UPDATE: Well, well, well. However did I forget the Roger Sterling-drops-acid scene from Mad Men? (Thanks to Justin via Twitter.)

BREAKING Denny's used slang in a tweet. They said that their hashbrowns were "on fleek." This is news. WSJ:

If this makes no sense to you, imagine it's 1973, and Perkins sent you a postcard that just said "eggs are groovy."

Can we draw a connection between our menu and a famous song about a man living off the sexual exploitation of women? Anyone? C'mon, we're losing the Millennials here.

Mr. Niccol said he misspoke, adding that Taco Bell does an "amazing job of tapping into" the Millennial voice.

One day the Millennial voice will grow up.