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Unanswered 911 calls prompt changes: The city of Minneapolis has altered the way it will handle emergency calls after up to six people who called 911 during last month's shooting rampage at Accent Signage Systems didn't reach operators.(Randy Furst) Also, Mayor R.T. Rybak reflects on the lives lost in the Sept. 27 shootings and the way forward for survivors, neighbors, the company and the city on his blog.

City readies high-tech help for Hiawatha Avenue: With a high volume of turning traffic combined with the frequency of passing trains, traffic engineers have called the four-lane state highway the nation's most complex corridor. (Tim Harlow)

Suicide bomber was a reluctant fighter, witness says: Shirwa Ahmed of Minneapolis, the first known American suicide bomber in Somalia, was a reluctant holy warrior, according to Tuesday's testimony in the federal terrorism trial in Minneapolis. (Allie Shah and Dan Browning)

A buyer emerges for City Center: The shopping mall and its 33 South Sixth office tower in downtown Minneapolis are to be acquired by a San Francisco firm for approximately $207 million. (Janet Moore)

Jon Tevlin: Minneapolis priest won't be silenced in marriage debate, for now: On the day the Catholic hierarchy once again told the Rev. Mike Tegeder that they weren't interested in his opinion, the gadfly priest was the last one to leave the Church of Gichitwaa Kateri, a Catholic church off Lake Street.

From the Twin Cities Daily Planet:

Traditional Hmong culture or mainstream academics? Hmong International Academy, a district school, says yes to both (Sheila Regan)

Bill's Imported Foods at Lyn-Lake: Three decades of Greek groceries and international foods, including an olive bar (Stephanie Fox)