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Rep. Tim Walz donated $3,000 — the amount New York Rep. Anthony Weiner has contributed to Walz's campaigns — to a local veterans charity on Tuesday.

Weiner, who admitted Monday that he exchanged text messages and photos with six women he met on the Internet, has caused political headaches for Democrats as Republicans have called for his resignation.

Walz was the second Democrat to return contributions from Weiner, following Ohio Democrat Rep. Betty Sutton. Walz received $1,000 from Weiner on March 27, 2007, and $2,000 on Nov. 16, 2009, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Republicans jabbed at Walz on Tuesday in the wake of Weiner's teary press conference, as the Republican National Congressional Committee sent a press release with the subject: "Will Walz Return Embattled Congressman Weiner's Tainted Cash?"

Walz spokesman Trevor Vaubel said the Minnesota Democrat donated the $3,000 to a Minnesota chapter of the Disabled American Veterans.

Walz declined comment through his spokesman about whether he believes Weiner should resign.

Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Steve Israel have stopped short of saying the New York Democrat should resign, but they have called for a congressional ethics investigation.