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Old-school dogfighting

An app in the style of a classic arcade game, "SkyForce 2014" is a fun little shooter that puts players in the shoes of a fighter pilot on a rescue mission. Players control their aircraft with the tip of the finger and can send planes darting through enemies while continuously shooting. Agility, not accuracy, is the name of this game. The challenge lies mostly in being able to dodge a whole lot of obstacles. Neither the game nor the controls are particularly hard to grasp. But it isn't so easy that those who play a lot of mobile games will get too bored. The game has in-app purchases that will power you through the levels and increase the quality of your aircraft, but it isn't so reliant on cash that you'll need to pay much. "SkyForce 2014" is good, old-fashioned gaming fun and is a go-to for short bursts of play or for longer sessions. For iOS and Android devices. Free.

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