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Want to learn more about what you can do for pollinators? You're in luck this week with two events surrounding these tiny but oh, so important, creatures.

#pollin8rchat Tuesday at 8PM!

I'll be hosting the first ever #pollin8rchat on Twitter this Tuesday at 8PM. Twitter chats can't solve the world's problems in 140 characters, but they can bring together people with a common cause to learn and share tips, ideas and concerns, in this case about pollinators. Whether you're a gardener, beekeeper, farmer or simply someone who eats food, this is a topic that's trending but not trendy when you think about the fact that every third bite of food is brought to you by one of these tiny but important creatures.

If you haven't participated in a Tweet Chat before you'll need a Twitter account. It's easy to create one, follow the setup steps and then you're ready to tweet and chat. To follow along with the chat, search out #pollin8rchat to follow the conversation from 8-9pm on Tuesday July 22.

If you decide to participate, and I hope you do, the more the merrier, always include the hashtag #pollin8rchat (I made it as short as possible to allow more chat) in every tweet so that your thoughts aren't lost in the twitter sphere and land where they can be appreciated. You can also see #pollin8rchat tweets on my blog, The Garden Buzz. If you have any questions about the technology or the topic ahead of time, leave your question in the comment section below. Or email me from The Garden Buzz.

Party for Pollinators

How many cities throw a party for pollinators? Another reason Minneapolis is a special place to live! it's July 24 from 5-8pm at Lyndale Park Gardens on the east side of Lake Harriet.

The event brings together scientists and beekeepers to educate the community about bees and their role in modern agriculture. There will be educational booths and lots of bee-related products, like honey ice cream, so that's another great reason to come and find out more about bees at this unique event. There's live music too. Buzz on over.