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The main players behind reporting Watergate and portraying the story on the silver screen reunite for "All the President's Men Revisited" (7 p.m., Discovery). There's not much new here, but it's a kick to see Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman reminisce about the days when they weren't portraying grandpas.


If you thought Dumbo had it bad, wait till you see how some of his peers are treated in "An Apology to Elephants" (6 p.m., HBO). Lily Tomlin narrates this documentary that shows how badly some of the world's smartest animals have been treated over the years.


"Citizen Hearst" (7 p.m., Bio) could have been an in-depth documentary about William Randolph Hearst, one of journalism's most fascinating figures. Instead, it's a puff piece that all but avoids the publisher's controversial past and spends most of its two hours promoting its magazine division. A good newspaperman would demand a rewrite.


The team of "Duck Dynasty" (9 p.m., A&E) wraps up another successful season by traveling to Hawaii, where they discover that their whistles are a big draw at luaus. In response, Morrissey has announced that he will never eat Spam again.


In the new series "Giving You the Business" (9 p.m., Food), four fast-food employees participate in outrageous challenges. The winner gets his or her own franchise. The losers have to work the fry machine for the rest of their lives.

Neal Justin