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Charles in charge

The end of Charles Osgood's 22-year run at "CBS Sunday Morning" may not be as significant as Charles Kuralt's tenure on TV's most scrumptious breakfast treat, but he deserves credit for maintaining the program's low-key approach to highbrow fare, from in-depth feature stories to insightful profiles. Surprise guests and retrospective clips are expected to dominate the retirement party.

8 a.m. Sun., WCCO, Ch. 4

Hey, now!

There may not seem to be much in common between Hank Kingsley and Maura Pfefferman, the best-known roles in Jeffrey Tambor's canon, but the 72-year-old actor brings the same quiet desperation to "Transparent" that he did to "The Larry Sanders Show," particularly in the Season 3 opener, as his transgender character goes searching for a suicidal youth through the not-so-mean streets of Los Angeles. Anyone wondering why Tambor and show creator Jill Soloway just picked up Emmys for the second year in a row should check it out.

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A grown-up perspective

It's easy to get distracted by all the bells and whistles drowning out policy talk in this political season, but if anyone can manage to pull it off, it's "Frontline." The documentary series can be a bit too somber at times, but its take on the two presidential candidates should be required viewing for anyone still on the fence.

8 p.m. Tue., TPT, Ch. 2

Neal Justin