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Seeing double

Jennifer Lawrence may be a relative newcomer, but she's already big enough to be going head-to-head with herself in prime-time television. You can catch her running around in "The Hunger Games" (7 p.m. ABC Family) or earning her Oscar in "Silver Linings Playbook" (9 p.m. Showtime). Hard to believe, but both films came out in 2012.

Still not home

Al Jazeera America marks the one-year anniversary of the incarceration of members from the media network's team in Egypt with "Journalism Is Not a Crime," hosted by anchor John Seigenthaler. The one-hour special will tell the personal stories of the three prisoners and examine their chances of being released in 2015. Roxana Saberi and Jon Stewart are among those weighing in. 8 p.m. Al Jazeera America

The sing-off

"Branson Famous" debuts just in time for it to make the list of 2014's most ridiculous series. It features infighting among a family act, "The Baldknobbers Jamboree," the longest-running variety show in Branson, Mo., with adversaries singing insults at each other. Yep, singing. The only positive aspect of this reality nonsense is I now know that if I ever visit that town, I can skip the "Jamboree" and instead check out Yakov Smirnoff. 9 p.m. TruTV

Neal Justin