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A report from the National Association of Realtors today says that pending home sales during April fell to a 7-month low, but the report reveals a more interesting issue in the market: A growing disparity between the number of signed contracts and the number of closings from month-to-month, suggesting that for whatever reason a lot of deals just aren't making it to the closing table. The most likely problem is financing and the inability to get appraisals to support purchase prices.

Before I sign off for an extended holiday weekend, I wanted to get a better sense of what buyers are encountering on related issues, and how they're dealing with the situation, so I'm wondering if your deal far apart because your lender wouldn't approve the loan? Did the appraisal come in too low? What did you do? Share your comments here, or feel free to send a note to and I'll try to get back to you on Tuesday. Have a good holiday.