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(As told by mom, Tracy Karney) "My son, Stosh, was fishing for bass with a small rubber frog lure at Cedar Lake when this 52-inch, 41-pound muskie hit. He asked bikers and runners to help him land it, but no one would stop. Finally, a runner agreed to hold his pole while he went into the water and picked it up. The runner took the photo, and Stosh released the fish. He was really proud." MADE THE PAPER Millie Segal, 75, of Golden Valley caught this largemouth bass on Lake Minnetonka. "As soon as I cast my juicy artificial blue worm, the bass struck," Millie said. "This is my first pictured submitted for 'Trophy Tales' and I am hoping to make the paper with it." You did, Millie. HURTIN' HANDS Mackenzie Jo Mjelde, 6, of Buffalo, caught this 28-inch walleye -- held by dad, Ross -- on Lake Vermilion. "My hands hurt," she told her parents afterwards. "They were beet-red, she was holding on so tight," said mom, Sarah.