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Another stunner of a Prince tribute is being shared like sunshine among Prince fans this morning: D'Angelo performed a heartbreaking "Sometimes It Snows in April" with Maya Rudolph and her Princess bandmate Gretchen Lieberum last night on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon."

The Virginia-bred R&B/funk innovator has widely been regarded as one of Prince's most worthy followers, and he had Prince Fan #1, Questlove (also Fallon's bandleader) DJ-ing with him last September when he came to First Avenue. Much to Questlove's chagrin – he sent out some angry tweets afterward aimed at his hero -- Prince threw a dance party at Paisley Park that night, which seemed to fly in the face of D'Angelo's show. Water under the Graffiti Bridge at this point.

Rudolph and Lieberum -- who performed at Bobby Z's My Purple Heart concert in 2013 at First Ave -- already offered their own emotional tribute over the weekend at a comedy festival in Austin, Texas.