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It may not feel like it, but spring is here. And despite the fact that we haven't had much of a change in temperature, a change in season always offers an opportunity to invigorate your home decor. Spring is all about what's fresh and new. Here's a quick look at some ways to bring spring home. (Spoiler alert: Some of these colors may surprise you.)

Go green

Green is a very clean color and combined tints, tones and shades of green in a single space can feel crisp and fresh. Consider using this made-for-spring color in unexpected areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Better off red

Pink and other pastels may seem more springlike, but red is a surprisingly versatile and natural color. Found in everything from flowers to birds, red is a novel way to signal the return of spring.

Think chartreuse

Part yellow, part green, chartreuse is one of those colors that is always on trend. This bright hue can be used alone or combined with lighter colors to create an airy look. It also can be paired with dark colors for a more sophisticated approach.

Citrus appeal

Orange has managed to remain one of the more popular colors in home decor. It's not only a warm and happy color, but it also blends well with other colors, including those suitable for spring because most shades have strong yellow undertones.

Colorful accessories

• Accessories and artwork can go a long way in telling a spring color story. Consider investing in a new table or floor lamp or even a lighter colored shade.

• Pick up new throw pillows to toss on your sofa or oversized chair.

• Pot up some indoor plants to help bring an element of spring into the home. A tree makes a dramatic statement, but even a moss ball or a vase of fern fronds will go a long way toward welcoming the new season.