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See Daisy Buchanan's distant metaphorical dock light like you've never seen it before!

Gatsby doesn't really seem to be a movie that needs 3D, but I suppose that sounds like someone in 1928 complaining that movies are adding voices and songs whether they need it or not. Everything will probably be 3D eventually, and 2D will look like black-and-white to modern eyes. The fellows on the panel had more to say:

Interesting. I saw a remastered re-perfected Ultimate Collector's Edition of some gritty crime movie, and the print looked horribly grainy. I mean, left-in-a-vat-of-nail-polish-remover bad. Went online to see if anyone else had noticed this, whether it was a bad transfer - turns out it was a "aesthetic decision" on the director's part to make the movie resemble the gritty crime movies of the 70s. I think it was Michael Mann, too.

But there's more! As you might expect, the guys who make money from the existence of physical media would like you to buy physical media: