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I am certainly guilty of spoiling my bird dog. I would even plead guilty to sometimes treating my pup as if she were a human being, but IKEA has officially taken dog pampering to a new level worthy of being labeled as "preposterous" with their Dog Highchair. Have you EVER considered putting your pup's dog food and water bowls at the dinner table? Me neither, but apparently some brain wizards saw a fundamental void in the dog furniture marketplace.

What I find most hysterical about this video is the spokesperson's contention this highchair "simulates what naturally occurs in the wild." Really? Really? No REALLY?

Did you fall for this? I did. As it turns out, IKEA's Australian division created The Dog Highchair as an April Fool's joke. Kudos IKEA!

The Pointer is written by Bob St.Pierre, Pheasants Forever's Vice President of Marketing.