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Zooey and Emily Deschanel

LOS ANGELES -- There are two parts to successfully working a celebrity-packed party. Your first obligation as a journalist is to scan the crowd and run over the competition to try to grab that million-dollar quote you need for your big upcoming story on the vast underpresentation of hamsters on network television.

When that's done, it's time to have some fun.

Some of the most memorable conversation I had at the Fox party Thursday night at LA's upscale Soho House, weren't necessarily on the A list.

Naren Shankar, a veteran producer for "CSI" who has joined the team behind the sci-fi series, "Almost Human," was great cocktail company as we bonded over our Indian-American roots and love for great television.

Matthew Lillard, who is turning in one of his finest performances in "The Bridge," talked about the advantages of being on cable television.

Gordon Ramsay was semi-patient about my inquiries as to whether one should eat steak with our without bread.

Andre Braugher was surprisingly non-plus about the cancellation of "Last Resort," which, in a just world, would have earned him another Emmy nomation.

But the ulimtate highlight was sitting down with Martin Mull, who talked about everything from the creation of "Fernwood Tonight" to the sinking quality of art museums.

"I've got to go work the room," he said after 20 minutes. "But I'd much rather sit here all night."

Me,to, brother. Me to.