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There's likely a story to be told every time someone returns home from a birding trip, be it across the country or across the street. You just have to recognize it, then share it.

Clay Christensen, the self-styled birdman of Lauderdale, never misses a story.

In a new book, "The Birdman of Lauderdale," Christensen tells entertaining and informative stories about his life as a birder. He's a good writer, as well as a good birder and a good observer. He doesn't miss much.

He begins his chapters with lines like, "The adventure began …., "While walking along ….," "When I began birding …."

And then he will capture in clean, personal prose the just-plain-interesting things he saw or heard or thought of. He also has a keen sense of humor.

The stories average about two pages in length. I was drawn through the book's 213 pages by anticipation that the next chapter would be as much fun as the last. I wasn't disappointed.

Reading the book is like going birding with Christensen, then closing the afternoon with a cup of coffee or a glass of beer. He's good company. He tells sharply seen stories. His book is well done.

Publication will be in October. It would make a great holiday gift.

(In case you don't know, Lauderdale is a seven-block square municipality near the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota. In the book it becomes Bird Central.)