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That classy little effigy -- hanging from a hand-painted purple gallows, no less! -- was attached to a truck on a street at noon today not too far from both the Metrodome and the Star Tribune. Notice the tutu. Rodney Harrison would be proud.

We saw it and snapped a picture on our way to the Monday Night Football "Chalk Talk" event at the Guthrie (food: walleye fingers, mini corn dogs and tater tot hot dish). The people standing near the truck in Vikings jerseys (and Zubaz, if memory serves, or at least pajama pants) seemed genuinely surprised that someone was interested enough in their device to take a picture. Sorry, but it's not every day we see that. Just on Monday nights before Packers games.

At the chalk talk, ESPN's Suzy Kolber and Matt Millen talked X's and O's about the big game. They were joined by luminaries from the rivalry: Chuck Foreman, Randall McDaniel and Antonio Freeman.

All had something to say about Brett Favre.

Foreman: "I like a lot of football players. But I'm a fan of Brett Favre."

McDaniel: "He looks funny in purple. ... But it's a good look."

Freeman: "It's going to be surreal for me to see him (against the Packers). You guys stole my quarterback."

Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy was also in attendance and was booed lustily by Vikings fans (and maybe some Packers fans?). One woman clearly thought it was an improv show where they wanted audience suggestions, causing her to shout to the folks on stage several times.

As we walked back to work around 2, the tailgating was in full swing. Seriously, more than 5 hours before the game people were already hammered and having loud swearing contests over whether to hang a rain canopy or not. If you like that sort of thing, come and get it. If not, we recommend you stay as far away from downtown. At least until tomorrow at 4 p.m.

Speaking of which, we'll be at Twins v. Tigers tomorrow. We're putting on our scoop hat and working as a full-fledged reporter. Look for a lot of baseball-related stuff is what we're saying. But for now: enjoy the American football contest. And be fully prepared to either gloat or hide at 10:30.