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The voices in my head are getting louder. Serves me right for standing too close to the Doppler for 30 years. "Paul, is this a glimpse of winters to come?" We won't see record warmth every winter, but scientists predict more milder-than-normal than colder-than-normal winters ahead. More midwinter rain and ice, and milder nighttime lows.

According to the state Department of Natural Resources, low temperatures during winter have warmed 15 times faster than daytime highs in summer since 1970. Statewide, winters have warmed 3 to 5 degrees in 50 years, losing an average of 10-14 days of lake ice since 1970. This year was an extreme example of the warming underway, magnified by a Super El Niño.

Rumors of spring may be premature, but upper 40s will feel good today. We cool into the 30s Friday before another surge of Pacific warmth boosts highs into the 50s Sunday and Monday. A high of 60 isn't out of the question early next week. That's the normal high on April 22.

I see fleeting spasms of slush ahead but nothing subzero. A few tournament snowstorms? Maybe.