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The end of Ben's first year of preschool is quickly approaching. I'm not a scrappy gal per se. But this scrapbook page box is pretty darn cute. I might just use the end of the year as an excuse to give this project a go. (Maybe because I'd like one for myself!) As my North Dakotan in-laws would say "Oh fer cute!" Click here on this blog page eighteen25 for step by step instructions: Box of teacher goodies

Lookie what's inside the box!

What other nifty and tiny treasures would you put in those compartments? The possibilities are endless.

Just checked back at the blog and dang, there are even more darling quick and easy ideas.

Dear eighteen 25 consider yourself officially bookmarked to inspire and make me feel crafty-within-reach.

Quick - Cheesy - Teacher-Appreciation Gifts

Grass is Greener

For even more ideas, just saw these from Disney Family Fun mag: School's out teacher gifts

Clearly I'm seeing articles and blog posts about end of the year thank you gifts for teachers. So I ask you Cribsheeters, is that just elementary school or is that the norm for pre-school too?

The teachers at our school are terrific and so dedicated they deserve something for all of their hard work. Just wondering what other parents do.

Do you have any great ideas for thank you gifts to add?